Ep.9: Inside Siemens’ Global Mobility Innovations with Meike Geiken and Stefan Remhof

Show notes

Summary: Discover the inner workings of Siemens’ groundbreaking global mobility programme with their Head of Global Framework, Meike Geiken. Her team manages over 200,000 assignments and nearly 80,000 assignees worldwide. From pioneering sustainable mobility to embracing digital transformation, Siemens is setting the standard for ethical, green and technologically advanced mobility practices. You don’t want to miss these insights!

Key Takeaways:

  • Strategic Framework: Learn about Siemens' Global Mobility Management (GMM) function and its role in shaping global delegation guidelines, mobile working protocols, and legal compliance.
  • Sustainability Metrics: Understand how Siemens utilises sustainability KPIs and dashboards to measure and control global mobility activities.
  • Ethical & Green Practices: Gain insights into Siemens' commitment to ethical and green mobility, and discover how implementing tracking tools can enhance accountability and transparency in your mobility operations.
  • Digital Transformation: Explore how Siemens embraces digital transformation in global mobility to streamline processes and enhance the mobility experience for employees.
  • Future Work Trends: Discover emerging trends such as virtual teams and their impact on the future of workforce dynamics, and learn how Siemens stays ahead of the curve in adapting to these changes.

Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction and Overview 06:17 - Providing Global Mobility Services to External Customers 13:49 - Sustainable Mobility at Siemens 21:26 - Global Mobility as a Transforming Role within HR

Authors: Stefan Remhof is Managing Partner of the People Mobility Alliance and Professor of International Management at IU International University. He has profound expertise in the fields of global mobility, expat management and international assignments.

Meike Geiken is Head of Global Framework at Siemens. As a lawyer with experience in immigration and international labour law, Meike is a driving force behind the company’s leading global mobility programme.

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