Ep.10: Addressing Mental Challenges in Global Mobility Through Coaching with Stefan Remhof and Ralf Schreiber

Show notes

Summary: In this episode of the Global People Mobility Podcast, host Stefan Remhof and guest Ralf Schreiber discuss the pivotal role of coaching and mentoring in the world of global mobility and international assignments.

They highlight the significant mental burden (or challenge, as Schreiber likes to frame it) both expats and their families endure during relocation. Emphasis is placed on the necessity of comprehensive support systems.

Ralf stresses the importance of coaching throughout the entire process, from pre-departure preparations to post-assignment reintegration. The conversation underscores the crucial role of family well-being in the success of international assignments. They also address mental challenges like cultural adaptation and cultural nuances within organisations.

Stay tuned to the very end of this episode for an exciting collaboration reveal!

**Takeaways: **Mental burden is a significant factor in global mobility and international assignments, emphasising the need for robust support systems. Coaching and mentoring are indispensable tools for preparing individuals to navigate the challenges of living and working in a foreign country. The well-being and contentment of the employee's family are paramount for the success of global mobility endeavours. Reintegration coaching is vital for employees readjusting to their home country post-international assignment, aiding in a smooth transition. Tailored coaching programs, adaptable to individual and organisational needs, prove effective in addressing mental challenges, cultural adaptation, and uncertainty, contributing to the success of global mobility initiatives.

Authors Stefan Remhof is Managing Partner of the People Mobility Alliance and Professor of International Management at IU International University. He has profound expertise in the fields of global mobility, expat management and international assignments.

Ralf Schreiber is the founder of Qfour.ai, a leading global digital coaching provider specialising in personalised coaching and training solutions for employees. He has over 20 years of experience in consulting, coaching and project management with profound expertise in digitalisation, digital learning and AI.

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