Ep.12: Repatriation and Reintegration: Challenges for Expats with Jan Knocke and Stefan Remhof

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Ep.12: Repatriation and Reintegration: Challenges for Expats with Jan Knocke and Stefan Remhof

Summary In the new Global People Mobility Podcast episode by People Mobility Alliance, Dr. Jan Knocke talks to Stefan Remhof about the challenges of repatriation and reintegration in global mobility.

He discusses why managing the repatriation process effectively is important to stop companies from losing valuable employees.

Jan Knocke talks about the main findings of his research, which includes his typology of expats where some experience high levels of dissatisfaction upon repatriation and others show a high commitment to the organisation. He emphasises the need for a global mindset and global leadership in international assignments, as well as discusses trends in global mobility, which includes a shift towards short-term and virtual assignments, and a focus on employee development.


  • Effective management of the repatriation process is crucial to retain valuable employees.
  • Trailing spouses and children may face challenges in rejoining the workforce and adapting to the home-based education system.
  • A typology of repatriates reveals different levels of satisfaction and commitment to the organisation.
  • Developing a global mindset and global leadership skills is essential for success in international assignments.
  • Trends in global mobility include a shift towards short-term assignments and a focus on employee development.

Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 02:28 Summary of Repatriation and Reintegration 07:21 Family Issues in Repatriation 11:24 Typology and Characteristics of Repatriates 24:47 Global Mindset and Global Leadership 27:57 Trends in Global Mobility 32:20 Conclusion

Authors: Stefan Remhof is Managing Partner of the People Mobility Alliance and Professor of International Management at IU International University. He has profound expertise in the fields of global mobility, expat management and international assignments.

Jan Knocke is currently Global HR Business Partner for Supply Chain and Business Development at Balluff, a global player in the industrial automation industry. He is a seasoned HR leader with expertise in Global Mobility which was the area of research during his PhD studies. He gained practical experience while leading many years the Global Mobility function in the APAC region for a global supplier in the automotive industry.

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