Ep.18: Recruiting Talent for Global Mobility with Simon Rogers and Mira Pathak

Show notes

Summary In this episode, Mira and Simon discuss the broad topic of attracting and retaining talent in the ever-changing mobility landscape. They explore the connection between mobility and talent, share insights on what makes a candidate stand out in mobility jobs, and provide tips for successful long-term placements. Simon also shares amusing stories from his time in mobility and recruitment, and they both share their favorite cities for global mobility.


  • The connection between mobility and talent is evolving, with a focus on attracting and retaining talent in the ever-changing mobility landscape.
  • Candidates in mobility jobs should present themselves as more than just mobility professionals, showing interest in the business, wider people and culture, and HR strategy.
  • Employers should set clear expectations, be open to candidates with transferable skills, and provide support and career development opportunities during assignments for successful long-term placements.
  • Moving from a supplier side to an in-house role has pros and cons, and employers are becoming more open to candidates from non-in-house backgrounds.
  • Global mobility encompasses various types of mobility, and it's important to ensure clear communication and understanding when discussing mobility-related topics.

Authors Simon Rogers is a Managing Partner at Talent Mobility Search, a global recruitment and consultancy firm staffed by experts with in-house and external mobility experience. Previously, Simon worked in accountancy and tax at the Big 4 before leading mobility, HR, and reward functions in banking, insurance, and MedTec sectors.

Mira Pathak is a co-founder of the People Mobility Alliance. She is an experienced global mobility and international HR professional with more than 15 years of experience.

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