Ep.2. Cross-Border Solutions in the Digital Age with Iaroslav Mynov & Daniel Zinner

Show notes

Key Discussion Points:

  • Iaroslav Mynov’s Experience: The episode begins with Iaroslav sharing his background, including his education in Moscow and Berlin and his career spanning over twenty years, working with Big Four firms and a medical device company.
  • Changes in Global Mobility: The discussion highlights how global mobility has evolved from basic administrative functions to being a strategic department in large corporations, focusing on comprehensive solutions for personnel movement.
  • Global Mobility and Corporate Change: Iaroslav and Daniel discuss the impact of global mobility programs on corporate change, especially considering labor shortages and the trend towards remote working arrangements.
  • Role of Technology: The conversation turns to the use of technology in global mobility, particularly the application of AI tools like ChatGPT, which have revolutionized processes in compliance and employee management.
  • Iaroslav’s Vision for the Industry: He outlines his hopes for the industry, including the development of unified solutions for various assignment types and the integration of the latest technological advancements in global mobility departments.

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