Ep.21: Career Success of Expatriates with Rodrigo Mello and Stefan Remhof

Show notes

Summary: In this episode of the Global People Mobility Podcast by People Mobility Alliance, Rodrigo Mello talks about the career success of expatriates and the impact of international work experiences on their careers. He explains how success can mean different things in different cultures, discusses how the pandemic changed global mobility. Rodrigo also highlights the importance of sustainable careers and the role of digitization in helping both individuals and organisations manage global mobility.

Key Takeaways:

  • Interpretation of Success: Success varies across cultures, and understanding these differences is crucial for expatriates.
  • Boost from International Experience: Working abroad enhances personal experiences and career prospects.
  • Pandemic-Induced Shift: The pandemic has shifted global mobility towards prioritizing individual well-being and sustainable careers.
  • Role of Digitalisation: Digital tools are essential for supporting sustainable careers and managing global mobility.
  • HR and Management Focus: HR practitioners and managers should prioritise employee well-being, listen to their voices, and use digital tools to enhance career development and mobility.

Authors: Stefan Remhof is Managing Partner of the People Mobility Alliance and Professor of International Management at IU International University. He has profound expertise in the fields of global mobility, expat management and international assignments.

Rodrigo Mello is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vaasa. He held a prestigious PhD position with the GLOMO project and has published in top journals. With experience at Anheuser-Busch InBev and Lanxess, his research focuses on global mobility and career development.

Connect with People Mobility Alliance: Visit our website: https://people-mobility.org/ Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/people-mobility-alliance/ Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/people_mobility_alliance/

Get your tickets to THE ULTIMATE global mobility event in Germany: https://people-mobility.org/internationale-hr-tech-conference/

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