Ep.23: Achieving Project Success with Global Virtual Teams with Rachel Chang and Stefan Remhof

Show notes

Summary: In this episode, Rachel Chang discusses the success of global virtual teams in project management. She highlights the challenges faced by virtual teams, such as building trust, communication issues, and cultural differences. Rachel also emphasises the importance of a global mindset and global leadership in managing virtual teams. Additionally, she explores the trends in the global mobility space, including the remote work revolution, focus on well-being, and the democratisation of technology.

Takeaways: Building trust is crucial for the success of global virtual teams. Communication issues and cultural differences can pose challenges in virtual teams. A global mindset and global leadership are essential in managing virtual teams. The global mobility space has witnessed a remote work revolution and a focus on well-being. The democratisation of technology has enabled new work models, such as digital nomadism.

Authors: Rachel Chang is a Project Management expert with a focus on Virtual Teams, Career Counseling, and Education. She holds an MBA, a doctorate, and a PMPĀ® certification. Rachel teaches at FIA and POLI USP, advises on career transitions at QCarreira, and is the author of "Successful Cross-Cultural Teamwork." Her mission is to empower individuals through education and mentoring for a better world.

Stefan Remhof is Managing Partner of the People Mobility Alliance and Professor of International Management at IU International University. He has profound expertise in the fields of global mobility, expat management and international assignments.

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