Ep.22: Displaced Talent Mobility with Daniele Albanese and Daniel Zinner

Show notes

Episode Summary In this episode, we delve into the concept of refugee labour mobility and explore the pioneering work of Talent Beyond Boundaries (TBB). TBB is committed to creating safe pathways for refugees, helping them secure job opportunities that provide a durable solution for their future. Our conversation highlights how TBB not only connects displaced talent with employers but also focuses on upskilling and training refugees to meet the specific demands of job markets in their destination countries. We discuss the critical role of language skills in enabling refugees to fully integrate into the workforce. Additionally, we emphasise the necessity of collaboration among various ecosystem players to effectively support displaced talent. One notable potential partner in this effort is the People Mobility Alliance, which could play a significant role in enhancing the reach and impact of these initiatives.

Key Topics Covered

  • Refugee Labour Mobility: Understanding the importance of facilitating movement for refugees to access employment opportunities in countries where they can rebuild their lives.
  • Talent Beyond Boundaries (TBB): An overview of TBB's mission and activities, focusing on connecting skilled refugees with employers who need their talents.
  • Upskilling and Training: How TBB helps refugees acquire the necessary skills to meet job requirements and successfully integrate into new work environments.
  • Language Skills: The essential role of language proficiency in helping refugees adapt and thrive in the workforce.
  • Ecosystem Collaboration: The importance of various stakeholders working together to create effective and sustainable support systems for displaced talent.
  • People Mobility Alliance: Potential partnerships and collaborative efforts that could amplify the impact of initiatives like TBB.

Key Takeaways

  • Refugee Labour Mobility as a Pathway to Stability: Talent Beyond Boundaries is paving the way for refugees to find stable and secure employment through well-structured labour mobility programmes.
  • Focused Upskilling and Training Initiatives: TBB emphasises the importance of equipping refugees with the skills and training needed to meet job market demands, ensuring they are competitive candidates in their new countries.
  • Crucial Role of Language Skills: Language proficiency is highlighted as a fundamental component for the successful integration of refugees into their new work environments, facilitating smoother transitions and better job performance.
  • Ecosystem Collaboration for Greater Impact: The episode underscores the necessity of collaboration among different players in the ecosystem, such as governments, NGOs, and private sector partners, to support and create opportunities for displaced talent.
  • People Mobility Alliance as a Key Partner: Mentioned as a potential partner, the People Mobility Alliance could play a pivotal role in expanding the support network for refugees, helping to streamline processes and create more robust pathways for their integration and success.

Authors: Daniele Albanese is Head of EU Programs at Talent Beyond Boundaries, focusing on labour mobility for displaced talent and refugees. He is also a Board Member of ICMC Europe and the SHARE Network. Previously at Caritas Italiana, he managed award-winning humanitarian corridors and legal pathways to Italy. Daniele has extensive experience in Africa, Central Asia, and the Middle East and has authored works on international migration.

Daniel Zinner is an international HR expert, entrepreneur, and communications consultant. His expertise lies in HR, strategy, digitalisation, and transformation strategy.

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