Ep.27: Navigating Moral Challenges Abroad with Theresa Bernhard

Show notes

Episode Summary In this thought-provoking episode, Theresa Bernhard, M.S.c delves into the complex world of expatriate experiences, focusing on the often-overlooked aspect of moral and ethical challenges faced by professionals working abroad. She explores how these challenges can lead to cognitive dissonance, potentially impacting expatriates' turnover intentions and the success of international assignments.

Key Insights

  • Expatriates may face moral dissonance in foreign lands, encountering situations that conflict with their core values and leading to internal discomfort.
  • Psychological distress can arise from cognitive dissonance, as explained by Leon Festinger's theory on the impact of contradictory experiences.
  • Ethical training programs for expatriates can enhance self-awareness and improve decision-making skills in morally challenging situations.
  • Organisational support through strong leadership and ethical guidelines is essential in reducing turnover and addressing moral challenges.
  • Building strong relationships with expatriates allows HR practitioners to better understand and support their unique experiences.
  • Remote and hybrid assignment models offer new opportunities to diversify the expatriate talent pool and increase flexibility.
  • Emerging trends in global mobility include the innovative use of virtual reality (VR) for cultural training and repatriation programs.
  • Leveraging VR and other technologies can enhance expatriate training, making cultural transitions smoother and more immersive.

People: Theresa Bernhard, M.Sc., is a Research and Teaching Associate at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, specialising in Global Mobility. She has published in leading journals like the Journal of International Management and Journal of Global Mobility. Her research occasionally extends to Corporate Social Responsibility, drawing on her prior experience in the automotive industry. Theresa has studied and worked in Germany, Mexico, and the United States.

Stefan Remhof is Managing Partner of the People Mobility Alliance and Professor of International Management at IU International University. He has profound expertise in the fields of global mobility, expat management and international assignments.

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