Ep.35: Internationalisation of Organisations: Challenges and Chances with Martina van Hettinga and Stefan Remhof

Show notes

Summary: In this episode of the Global People Mobility podcast by People Mobility Alliance, host Stefan Remhof speaks with Martina van Hettinga about the complexities of internationalisation for organisations. They explore the critical importance of cultural awareness and diversity in global teams, the leadership challenges posed by globalisation, and how businesses can effectively attract and retain international talent. With a special focus on Germany's childcare and education systems, they discuss how inclusive practices and digital transformation can pave the way for more dynamic, competitive organisations in a global market.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cultural awareness boosts employee satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Leaders must adopt a global mindset to navigate international challenges.
  • Managing diverse workforces requires adaptability and intercultural competencies.
  • Digital transformation is essential for integrating international teams.
  • Inclusive practices and flexibility are key to attracting and retaining top global talent.
  • Germany faces unique hurdles in improving its childcare and educational systems for talent retention.
  • Companies need to effectively market themselves to stand out in the global talent market.

Speakers: Stefan Remhof is Managing Partner of the People Mobility Alliance and Professor of International Management at IU International University. He has profound expertise in the fields of global mobility, expat management and international assignments.

Martina van Hettinga is Managing Partner at i-potentials GmbH, Germany’s leading executive search boutique, and founder of MOREDIVERSITY.de, a non-profit advancing diversity and inclusion. She is dedicated to fostering inclusive leadership and equal opportunities.

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