Ep.3. Navigating the Future of Work with Eric Gangey & Stefan Remhof

Show notes

Key Discussion Points:

  • RWE's Global Mobility Strategies: An overview of how RWE manages cross-border employee movements, focusing on policy development, vendor management, and the integration of technology.
  • Global Mobility's Role in Corporate Culture: Exploration of how RWE's global mobility initiatives contribute to fostering a diverse and inclusive corporate culture, especially during the company's transition phase.
  • Technology and Global Mobility: Discussion on the transformation of global mobility through technological advancements, leading to more streamlined and user-friendly processes.
  • Remote Work's Influence on Global Mobility: Analysis of the impact of remote work on global mobility and workforce management, highlighting the challenges and opportunities in a post-COVID world.
  • The Changing Role of HR in Global Mobility: Focus on how HR's role is evolving to manage an increasingly diverse and international workforce, moving beyond traditional mobility management to embrace new forms of cross-border working.

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