Ep. 5. Workation: From Trend to Corporate Culture with Anna Luisa Grebe & Stefan Remhof

Show notes

Key Discussion Points:

  • Defining Workation: Anna Luisa provides a fresh perspective on the concept of workation, challenging stereotypes and highlighting its diverse applications, from escaping the cold to working from a family's home abroad.
  • Employer and Employee Expectations: The episode explores the gap between employer offerings and employee desires regarding workation, shedding light on the significant value employees place on this flexibility.
  • Impact on Corporate Culture: Insights into how workation and remote work policies contribute to a positive corporate culture, promoting trust, autonomy, and a modern employer image.
  • Technological and Legal Challenges: Discussion on the role of technology in facilitating workation, the importance of HR tech solutions, and the legal complexities of cross-border remote work.
  • Future Trends in Remote Working: Projections for the future of workation and remote work, including legislative changes, the growing acceptance of hybrid work models, and the impact of generational shifts on workplace flexibility.

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