Ep. 6. Academic Trends and Topics in Global Mobility with Marjaana Gunkel & Stefan Remhof

Show notes

Key Discussion Points:

  • Impact of Cultural and Emotional Intelligence: Understanding how they reduce conflicts and enhance performance in global virtual teams.
  • Strategies for Enhancing Cultural Intelligence: Practical approaches, including exposure to diverse cultures and the importance of open-mindedness.
  • Balancing Remote Work and Face-to-Face Interactions: Insights into the coexistence of virtual and in-person work modes post-pandemic.
  • Challenges and Future of Remote Work: Exploring the negatives of remote work, the evolving role of leadership, and the importance of trust in virtual settings.
  • Innovations in Global Mobility and Work Practices: Discussion on the future trends like workation, fully remote roles, and the impact on HR practices and corporate culture.

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